d / f / e


2004 und aelter
bild & wort

Magic of slow motion walking

17/09/2006, 00.15 a.m. to 01.00 a.m.
Guisan Square Biel/Bienne

A fourth series of 24 x 45 minutes walking started with the performance „Magie des Gehens" (Magic of slow motion walking) on the Guisan Square in Biel/Bienne on 17/09/2006. It was announced in the context of the exposition "weiter gegangen" gone further) and the photography days „on the road...again". The performance was consciously placed in the night from Friday to Saturday. At the same day and next to the Guisan Square, the symposium "Art, Power, Freedom" of the Swiss artist organisations (FAB) took place. „Magic of slow walking" was an independent and, for some participants, a surprising artistic contribution to the theme of the symposium.
Performance with 24 slow motion walking artists, dancers and others (max. 1 meter per minute)